Miyajidake Shrine


The symbol of the shrine is the majestic Oshimenawa rope! Receive the blessings of good luck and prosperous business!

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A shrine dedicated to Okinagatarashi-hime-no-mikoto, also known as Empress Jingu, this has long been a place for worshippers seeking good fortune and success in business. 
It is known for the Tsuitachi Mairi ritual, held on the 1st of every month, beginning with the First Prayer Festival at midnight. On these days, the paths leading to the shrine are lined with souvenir and food stalls open until late, drawing worshippers all day and late into the evening.
The first impression at the approach to the shrine is the striking 3-ton straw rope, oshimenawa, replaced annually by the hands of around 1,500 people. Also on the grounds are a great bell and a giant taiko drum, which together with the straw rope make up the "Three Number Ones" (the biggest in Japan). At the Senza Memorial Festival held on October 22 every year, there is a tradition of 1,200 years called the Tsukushi Dance performed by priests. It is likely an antecedent of the Noh and court music and dance traditions. 
If you are looking for extra luck, after the main shrine building, try visiting all eight shrines around the grounds (oku no miya hachisha mairi), a tradition said to make dreams come true. Don’t miss the sight of the city stretching to the ocean from the top of the stairs as you descend! In February and October, the sun sets in perfect alignment with the road leading to the shrine, creating a "path of light" to the sea. This sight attracts visitors from far and wide.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 811-3309 福岡県福津市宮司元町7-1
Address 7-1 Miyajimoto-machi, Fukutsu City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 0940-52-0016
Fax Number 0940-52-1020
Open Conferment office: 7:00am-7:00pm
Open 24 hours from the night of December 31st to January 3rd.
Closed None
Price First Earning Fee
Prayer fee 5,000 yen and up
On-site ritual service: 30,000 yen and up
Wedding ceremony at the main shrine: 100,000 yen
Car Park 700 units
Access ·Approximately 5 minutes by car from Fukuma Station on the JR Kagoshima Main Line.
·Take Nishitetsu Bus (bound for Tsuyazaki Bridge) from Fukuma Station on the JR Kagoshima Main Line, and get off at the Miyajitake-jinja-mae bus stop.
·Approximately 20 minutes from the Koga IC on the Kyushu Expressway
Website https://www.miyajidake.or.jp/

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

Space filled with beautiful flowers and trees Space filled with beautiful flowers and trees

Miyajitake Shrine is also known for its flowers.
Starting with cherry blossoms in spring, peonies, azaleas, wisteria, Edo irises, hydrangeas, etc., as well as autumn leaves, various flowers and trees are at their best as the seasons change.

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    cherry blossom

    Known as one of the best cherry blossom viewing spots in Fukuoka, it is crowded with about 100,000 cherry blossom viewers during the season. Enjoy the beautiful scenery created by approximately 2,000 cherry trees, including scarlet cherry trees, Yoshino cherry trees, double-flowered cherry trees, and mountain cherry trees.
    The "Cherry Blossom Festival" is usually held for about 10 days from early April.

    Flowering period: Early March to mid-April
    *The blooming time of cherry blossoms is subject to change depending on the weather. Please check the latest information before visiting.

  • Minjia Village Nature Park-1

    Minjia Village Nature Park

    In a corner of the temple grounds surrounded by seasonal flowers and trees, visitors can see old private homes that have been relocated and restored from various parts of Japan.
    The old minka, including gassho-zukuri, nimono-zukuri, and hirahashibashi-hut on stilts, are nostalgic scenes from the Japanese past.
    From late May to mid-June, Edo irises bloom beautifully all around the area.

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    fragrant peach

    Forty "broom peaches," which grow straight up into the blue sky, are planted here. When the cherry blossom season coincides with the blooming season, the entire Miyajitake hillside area is dyed in a beautiful pink gradation.

Events Events

  • Iris Festival-0

    Iris Festival

    About 100,000 Edo irises of 100 varieties adorn the precincts of the temple and the steps of the approach to the temple.On May 31, the Edo Shobu Hatsukari Shinto ritual will be held.

  • Shinto ritual for the first harvesting of iris in Emichi-1

    Shinto ritual for the first harvesting of iris in Emichi

    Iris cut by priests are offered to the gods, and shrine maidens with the fresh irises in their hands perform a dance.

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